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原文作者  ACT俱乐部  |  发布时间  2016-02-03  | 浏览次数  6244



考察点:观点及分析 Ideas and Analysis  

在观点及分析Ideas and Analysis方面,官方给出的评分规则中明确提到的6分的标准是将文章论点有见地地建立在各个支持论点上(The writer generates an argument that critically engages with multiple perspectives on the given issue.)深入透彻地分析可能行,复杂性或潜在的价值及假设。(The analysis examines implications, complexities and tensions, and/or underlying values and assumptions.)而5分的标准是将文章论点有效地建立在各个支持论点上(The writer generates an argument that productively engages with multiple perspectives on the given issue.)分析着重可能行,复杂性或潜在的价值及假设。(The analysis addresses implications, complexities and tensions, and/or underlying values and assumptions.)




考察点:对观点的支撑 Development and Support  

对观点从深度和广度上的支撑 Development and Support,评分规则6分要求对论点的支撑要有深入洞察而广泛的考虑,综合的说理和举例要精当,有效地表达文中论点的含义。(Development of ideas and support for claims deepen insight and broaden context. An integrated line of skillful reasoning and illustration effectively conveys the significance of the argument.) 5分要求对论点的支撑要有深入的理解,大致综合的说明和举例要目的明确并能够表达文中论点的含义。(Development of ideas and support for claims deepen insight and broaden context. An integrated line of skillful reasoning and illustration effectively conveys the significance of the argument.)

第一篇作者通篇紧扣主题,说理和举例都服务于作者为什么认为智能机器利大于弊的观点,在利用假说推断解释作者的思考时,作者运用了预期的推理,比如说当作者提到robots cut down the cost of production by a considerable amount, 作者延伸到长期雇佣人工的工资和一次性使用机器人的成本的区别,又更进一步谈到成本低廉的产品又会节省消费者的开支。

第二篇综合的说理和举例非常有效的表达了作者论点的含义,假说推断用的例子是in the event the robots are more widely used in the workplace, 说理部分提到the implications of this shift are unknown, but one thing is for certain, we are moving into this change too fast to anticipate and prevent damage to the human species 有说服性地发展并支撑了文章的观点,较第一篇文章更有力。




考察点:文章结构 Organization  


第一篇作文首段就勾勒除了主体部分三段的架构,主体部分陈现出逻辑的推进,作者首先确立不断出现的智能机器的益处,然后用进一步确认机械化生产的低成本高效率来强化自己的观点,主体的第三段反驳反方观点。在必要的地方用了转承连接,比如说主体部分第二段Beyond these benefits for industry, some believe…起到段与段之间承上启下的作用。主体部分第三段举出反方观点后,用While this may be true, this is …引起转折来反驳反方观点。正如5分标准中提到的it exhibits a productive organizational strategy. It is mostly unified by a controlling idea or purpose, and a logical sequencing of ideas contributes to the effctivenessof the argument.

第二篇作文从机械化对未来经济的影响,对现今文化状态的负面效应到反驳反向观点,层层递进。段与段之间的转承也是严丝合缝。每段的首句都与主题息息相关又逐渐深入。比如说作者用到:The economic implications of the potential mechanical takeover; Our careless use of automation has already taken a toll on our culture; Even in the face of these obstacles, some people argue that the increasing intelligence of today’s machines is a good thing.在段内句与句的连接即灵活多样,又让作者说理更明晰有力,比如说作者用到:At first, but eventually, This of course, After all等等。




考察点:语言使用 Language Use  

       从第一篇作文我们可以找到一些语言运用的亮点,句式运用也非常多样灵活。比如说:today’s workforce no longer consists entirely of people. Their concern, though, are outweighed by the benefits… While this may be true, this is a minor cost ofr a major increase in efficiency.等等,但也出现了一些用词的重复,比如说body部分的第一段和第二段均用到for example, 第二段出现的unimagined和unimaginable等。

       相比较而言,第二篇作文句型丰富多样,语词用得更加精当,选词也很准确。比如说societal and cultural consequences, intolerance and incivility, emotional or psychological damage。用的degrade, depressed, and damage等的词让读者升起一种紧迫感。主体部分的第三段,连续用了we are, we are, we must三句,气势不断加强,从论证部分转入对采取实际行动的呼吁,非常有力。符合6分评判标准中提到的The use of language enhances the argument. Word choice is skill ful and precise. Sentence structures are consistently varied and clear.






